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Apex, NC Free and Income Based Clinics

Free and Income Based Health Clinics

See below for our list of Free and Income Based Health Care Centers in Apex, NC.

We provide free health department clinics along with sliding scale approved public health department clinics. We provide a question and answer section for each clinic.

If you have any questions please contact using the form on our About Us page.

Apex, NC Free and Income Based Clinics

Nearby Clinics
Due to the small amount of clinics in Apex, we have listed some area listings below. Note: In our search we do not limit the listings by state.

North Carolina Health Clinics

We provide free and income based health clinic listings along with user questions and answers. We can provide you with information you will not find on any other health care website.

Free Dental Clinics

Our list includes local free dental clinics and services they provide including wait times for services.

Free Health Clinics

We list local free health care clinics along with user answered questions.